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Pookie deletes girlfriend’s daughter after child abuse

Pookie kills innocent child.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
GRAND RAPIDS — Here’s another reason to keep stepparents and significant others away from your children. Rashad Maleek Trice, 26, was thrown in the slammer after he murdered his girlfriend’s daughter out of jealousy. The heinous crime transpired on July 2, 2023 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. According to reports, Rashad made his girlfriend gravid and they had a son. But he refused to accept her 2-year-old daughter, Wynter Cole-Smith. So Rashad beat his girlfriend’s ass, stabbed her with a knife, kidnapped Wynter, then purloined a white Chevy Impala. He led police on a high-speed chase before being apprehended. Rashad’s arrest was nothin’ short of comical. Police tased his black ass and had him crying like a lil bitch. Wynter wasn’t in the car. Her corpse was found 3 days later in an alley in Detroit. Coroners said she was asphyxiated.
Rashad was convicted and sentenced to life in prison.
“Today we have achieved a measure of justice,” U.S. Attorney Mark Totten told reporters. “We can’t bring back the precious life of Wynter Cole-Smith, but we can do our best to ensure her killer is found guilty and spends the rest of his life in prison, which is what we’ve done today. I am so grateful to the hundreds of officers from over two dozen law enforcement agencies who came running to join the statewide search for Wynter Cole-Smith. Their commitment to protect and serve was overwhelming.”
Scuttlebutt has it Rashad maltreated Wynter on a daily basis… in front of the mother.
But she chose sex over the well-being of her baby girl.
Social media reaction was venomous.
One commenter wrote, “Stop being desperate to be in a relationship… ESPECIALLY when you have children!!!”
Another chimed in with, “Modern women will sell their soul for a dick. It’s a damn shame.”
A third person added, “You don’t EVER put your need for a man ahead of your child, period. I have a 5-year-old son, and I allow no men around him. I’m so sorry about what happened to this beautiful baby girl.”
Are you satisfied with a life sentence?
Is the death penalty warranted?
Watch the explosive documentary which includes footage of the police chase and Rashad’s arrest.
Share your thoughts.
Georgeous baby! SMH I don’t trust people with neck tattoos.
I blame the mom. Period…..
Wynter was such a beautiful child. May Trice and Wynter’s mother rot in prison, then hell for this.
You wanted a man that bad 🥹 if you put your hands on my child your ass is done 🥹🥹l am so sorry Winter RIP ❤️🙏
Mother should go to jail as well
That baby is better in heaven than on earth with that no good mother.
Why he couldn’t find a woman without a child…stupid
Yall women stop dating THUGS.
Death penalty! Skip prison; straight to Hell!
He did all that screaming like a girl
He should have kept walking if he didn’t want to deal with a woman with children. As for her, you lay with a man you aren’t married to, have a baby, and then go on to another man… there’s a word for that. But you expect other men to accept you and your history, and you do not care about your children enough to STOP and just mother your children until they are grown before you go on with your sex life (because that’s all it is).
He’s a repeat offender and he showed no mercy toward an innocent baby. He stabbed the mom to take the baby girl and not the baby boy.
Stop letting these monsters LIVE. Make an example of them and put them down!
A lotta women hate thier female children anyways. She should be investigated for a history of abuse if possible. This mammie wanted her daughter gone anyways; the demon boyfriend was just the excuse needed for this to happen.
I say 95% of that was the mom’s fault. You should have saved your baby from the beginning.. the first sign. But you were wrapped up in your damn self. Rest easy
Largely, these children are a means to a government pay check and to tether the mom to a man. The mothers are more concerned with having a man over their care and concern for the children.
Rashad was jealous the dad was in college playing foot ball. She left Wynters dad just to date a loser who was going to help her break down an educated black man. There is no reason that girl and baby couldnt have followed that man to college. She wanted to stay a hot girl in Detroit. She had support and still decided to have a baby with a loser.
Smh pookie lovers always ignore red flags 🚩🚩🚩 black women please do better
Omg so preventable
Horrible choices from the mom
Women need to put their kids before needing to lay up with some damn dude!….and she kept the fool around after he had shown early on disrespect of her child! Wow….alot of this is her fault! RIP BABY WYNTER❤❤❤ WOW…HOPEFULLY YOU SOUL WILL RETURN THROUGH A BETTER MOTHER!
Bitch didn’t even have his own car… they tased that derelict, wasn’t so strong then, he took a 2 year-old baby this was less than he deserved. You women need to stop dating men that don’t have nothing leave his dusty broke ass where he’s at especially if you have children.
I swear all black women need to start dating outside of the race cuz this happens way too often… You can never trust a black man ever… That love he says he has for you will turn into obsession and hate… Every black woman has a story about it… So no one can tell me that it’s not real…
What a cowardly POS. Loved hearing him scream. Too bad something more serious than minor injuries didn’t happen to him during the chase and arrest. It would’ve saved the taxpayers a lot of money in the long run. He doesn’t deserve to be free or among the living after what he did. Hope someone in prison makes things very painful and/or final for him.