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Woman accuses pastor of trying to have sex with her

OnlyFans model exposes pastor.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
ATLANTA — Here’s another reason to remain skeptical of contemporary churches. A viral TikTok video shows a 25-year-old OnlyFans model named Shani accusing her married pastor of trying to have sex with her 5 years ago. And, to compound matters, he’s family member. “My pastor tried to sleep with me,” Shani revealed. “His wife is my mother’s cousin. What does that make us? Cousins-in-laws? I don’t know. But he was family. I don’t mean like a mere relative. This is someone who we went to the beach with. We would go out to eat with. His children were super close to me and my siblings. We were heavily in the church. So we saw him and his family all the time. This pastor met me when I was like 7 or 8 years old. So he’s known me since I was a little girl. He baptized me. Him and my father were, at one point, were best friends. His is in the family. This man watched me grow up.”
Shani — an aspiring rapper — said the minister sent her a myriad of lecherous text messages, imploring her to post nude photos online. “He said, ‘You ever thought about doing any other content [besides music videos]’ I’m like what kind of content are you talking about?” Shani said. “And then he says, ‘I wanna see you naked.’ I literally said, ‘Did you mean to send me this?’ He was like, ‘Yeah, Lol. You ain’t no little girl no more.’ I immediately called my father.”
The next thing you know Shani’s parents pulled the family from the church.
They have since found themselves a new place to worship.
Social media reaction was wild.
One commenter wrote, “Is anybody surprised?🥱”
Another chimed in with, “Pastors don’t understand the debt they’ll owe GOD for mistreating his sheep.”
A third viewer added, “This is commonplace. I’m so shocked that people continue to make excuses for these pastors. Many of them come on to women, boys and children. They do this blatantly because they know that their congregation will side with them. It’s horrible.”
Are you disappointed in today’s preachers?
Should congregants conduct a background check prior to joining a church?
Watch Shani air her pastor’s dirty laundry.
Share your thoughts.
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the way people idolize pastors is an issue. pastors are humans, they are fallable. this is so disappointing to hear, but not surprising.
Mine too and he flirted using bible scriptures😩
Church people are hella weird. I knew a blind guy who used to ask kids to sit on his hand and fart.. yea. You read it right. He said that would help him see. And no. He didn’t get me, lmao. He tried. The dude would be IN church doing this bruh. 🤦🏽.
As a man doesn’t matter what path you go you have to try to be sexually disciplined because a woman can easily be your downfall
Like a wayward pastor told me once “I’m a man first” smh lol
Wow. A priest stalked me 25 years ago. I should gain some strength and tell that story
This broad is not telling the 100% truth. Although I do believe the pastor was on that, I also think that she’s playing dumb about OF. So, are we supposed to believe that she’s the only person on earth that didn’t know what was up with onlyfans? Cut it out. This is for clout.
So she is hip enough to be a rapper, but clueless about onlyfans?
The pastor is a pervert.
man this is why I stay home and watch sermons online 😭😭😭😭😭
“beware of false prophets, which comes to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are raveling wolves” Matt 7:15 👌 smh
First off, who cares. Second, they are not blood relatives. And lastly, there’s 3 sides to every story!
I’m not saying I don’t believe it but I don’t see the point of coming out with this at this time….
my old paster tried to prey on me as a teen. few years later I found out that he was preying on a couple women and has HIV. I grew up with his kids and I adored his wife. He could’ve ruined my life.
So she didn’t know that her moms cousin makes them second cousins. I mean for a generation that thinks they know everything, they sure are dumb
She lost me at OnlyFans
Honestly the church is a very judgemental environment where ppl go around pointing out what’s wrong with everyone else instead of focusing on urself that’s why it’s hard to get ppl to go back to church now we judge pastors when they fall but when we mess up we want gods grace and mercy ourselves ijs
Mine too. And he had ‘prophetic gifts’ so when I said no! He started telling my mom I’m a promiscuous kid and to keep me indoors cause he sees me getting pregnant
You are an adult now maam. Any male you know thats not blood related will clap stop acting like we live in heaven. This is earth and woman will make sure they are around powerful men like moths to a flame. Just for a chance at the clout for saying they used or denied him and still wind up with none in the end. Even if the president clapped your cheeks it never mattered with no ring lol. Just another fail and another year without a ring.
Can the pastor hire P. Diddy to be the assistant pastor.
Y’all do know most pastors are former pimps
The Pastor should have been removed, because it sends a bad message to the flock for letting him stay.
He’s still a man…
This is why I don’t trust churches ⛪️
From personal experience people treat Pastors like gods now a days. They don’t even think they’re human and have flaws. So of course people believe them over others. No accountability at all.
Y’all do know all Preachers aren’t called by GOD, he’s a man and without his operating within the Holy Spirit he’s going to operate in his cornal spirit, you can’t hold all churches or men accountable
Yall gotta stop looking at church people like they are angels already. They are just humans seeking spiritual guidance and knowledge. The pastor still a human. So don’t be so surprised
She’s telling the truth, some of these pastors are amoral hypocrites.
I swear listening to some women tell stories is excruciating 😂
She full of shit 😂😂😂 she acting like she didn’t know what the platform was but then says she might know what he’s implying 😂😂 nah we know what timing she was on
Church is man made , religion is man made, and also god is man made.
I just went to her instagram. No one is innocent in this story. I see why he tried her.
2025 and women are still terrible at telling a story 🥱
Ok 5 years later nobody cares now
Sooooooooo whaaaaaaaatttttt???? Lady, tell us something religious ‘leaders’ don’t do. 😒