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Chris Tucker revealed his reason to quit Hollywood

Chris explains quitting Hollywood.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
HOLLYWOOD — “You got knocked the f*ck out!” He was once the highest paid actor in America. He perfected the art of smokin’ weed in “Friday.” And he earned more than $40 million for two “Rush Hour” movies. Yet, despite all that pecuniary success, Chris Tucker sauntered away from Hollywood because… he’s a Christian. In case you didn’t know, the 51-year-old comedian was was born into a God-fearing family and his parents were congregants of the Church of God in Christ. So dressing like a bitch (The Fifth Element) and cussin’ on-screen (Friday) wouldn’t suffice. Chris had no choice but to clean up his act. “I never was a raunchy, raunchy comic but I didn’t think about what I was saying because I was young,” he said. “Being a Christian helps me in comedy. I have to talk about other stuff. Normally, most comics talk about stuff that’s easy — maybe cussing or saying something raunchy. I have to dig deeper to find something that’s still funny and not raunchy. It’s harder. I like the challenge.”
Chris, if you recall, raised eyebrows when he turned down $10 million to reprise his Smokey role in “Next Friday.” He certainly enjoyed starring in the first film. But he didn’t want to become the poster child for puffin’ marijuana. “One of the reasons why I didn’t do the second one was because of weed,” Chris explained. “I said, ‘Man, that movie became a phenomenon. I don’t want everybody smoking weed… I don’t want to represent everybody smoking weed.'”
Ice Cube, who wrote the film, was disappointed — but understood the rationale.
“We were ready to pay Chris Tucker $10 to $12 million to do ‘Next Friday’ but he turned us down for religious reasons,” he said.
“He didn’t want to cuss or smoke weed on camera anymore.”
Chris should’ve took the job.
He owes the IRS $11 million for unpaid taxes in 2001, 2002, 2004, and 2005.
Scuttlebutt has it Jeffrey Epstein tried to turn Chris out when he visited his island.
Watch the documentary.
Share your thoughts.
He stepped away for so long he’s not funny anymore.
I think Chris can still play high-energy characters but he may not want to anymore. I didn’t care for any of the “Friday” movies but his character (outside of the Marijuana use) was the only highlight of the first one. I loved him in The Fifth Element & Rush Hour. But he may want to steer himself towards more serious roles. He’s extremely talented. 😊
Also… Fu¢k Jay-Z. 🤨
Why can’t Smokey be mature and church-going and his son or nephew runs a weed shop, since it’s Legal now. They just need to come up with a good conflict and plot. Maybe Smokey is tempted every time he gets around the weed. It can be done and he does not have to compromise his spirituality now either
I think Hollywood wanted Chris Tucker to start doing somethings that are really immoral and he said no by stepping back from the roles he was offered. Good for him, living life on his own terms for Jesus Christ’s sake. And what an Awesome man to honor his mother and father and remember who he truly is and how he was raised. 👏👏👏
He was on Epstein Island 😳🤔🧐
He needs money. Like the rest of us!
I Love Chris Tucker He’s a Great Actor 💯❤ Keep Winning & Shining
Chris Tucker underrated role is Dead Presidents good movie 🍿🎥📽️🎬🎭🎫🎟️
Why do actors take years off and come back swole 😅
That is a bunch of bullshyt. Why lie chris, why chris. Keep it 100 if you gonna talk about it.
Oh man, he turned down Django Unchained!
Thank you for putting Jesus first and letting the world know that Jesus Christ is the lord
Chris Tucker likes to play with little boys.
That’s great….Chris has become quite a MAN!!!
It funny when people do whatever for $$ than when they find it they want to grow morals lol.. weed made him rich. Glad he is happy though.
He’s a smarter guy than he’s given credit for. I didn’t realize how many roles he turned down 😮 had he taken some of those, he’d have been bigger than Will Smith.
Epstein island scared him
The reason Chris Tucker left Hollywood was because he already made a shit load of money. He just wanted to travel the world with Epstien and have sex with little girls.
Chris Tucker was awesome in Fifth Element!
The funny thing is is when all you Christians wind up in the pit of Tartarus you’re all going to be looking at each other going why the hell did we ever fall for a monotheistic religion that offered forgiveness for things like murder and rape are you that ignorant even your smallest mark on the soul makes you belong to the pit there is no heaven there is only darkness in the end unless you lead a life so exceptional that you absolutely have no marks on your soul whatsoever that means you’ve never offended anybody cursed anybody or made anybody mad for that matter not a human on earth can say that not even a newborn so every soul on the earth is marked for demon consumption
Nah, sounds like BS. Bottom line no matter what he says, Tucker done sold da F out! He literally turned his back on where he came from, what got him started, what put his name name on the map. You go from playing Smokey to that, whatever he was on Fifth Element, yeah ok. After 1995 he did no black themed or mainly black casted movies. Nah, not buying his crap. I understand change, I understand his beliefs in religion but black movies aren’t all hood or negative. Hollywood got him
Not surprised he is an Epstein island frequent flyer!😮
“I know you don’t smoke weed, I know this; but I’m gonna get you high today, ’cause it’s Friday; you ain’t got no job… and you ain’t got shit to do.”
Tucker is a dam pedophile.
He realized what a shit hole Hollywood is and walked away.
Did he find Jesus before or after becoming friends with Epstein?
@yeetskeet7234: Chris Tucker was already a Christian; He just re-dedicated his life too Christ.
His high pitched ass voice and the fact he wasn’t that funny is the reason he’s gone. Now we have kevin hart redoing everything he already did. High pitched annoying ass not funny overacting repeating shit.
He didn’t sell his soul and walked away from Hollywood, good for him!
Chris Tucker may have disappeared from Hollywood but at least he’s got a classic film in his career which is the original ‘Rush Hour.’ For that he’ll always be a legend to me. So many actors may be in a lot of films but they’re not classics lol. Not every actor can say that they have a classic film that stood the test of time especially comedic actors. So yeah Chris Tucker is a goat for the original ‘Rush Hour’ alone.
Chris is a legend. He got his money and got out of Hollyweird.
I miss him. He is a giant of comedy.
Not doing Next Friday was a mistake I’ll never fully get over. He is great in everything and crazy talented. Dude can act, dance, sing, comedy; he is a Renaissance man.
Chris got out of Hollywood because he didn’t want to take it up the rear!
Nigga got soft for religion hope jesus pay yo bills but wish u the best
If Chris told Ice Cube he didn’t want to smoke or cuss anymore in his movies, why couldn’t Cube and his folks write a script for Chris as a changed man who didn’t smoke or curse? If Cube really wanted Chris back, he could’ve done that.
And THAT’s what the fuck happened to Chris Tucker…
Chris Tucker was a staple of my childhood. I dunno how I feel about his religious conversion, but I do know that he’s never failed to bring a smile to my face. So long as he’s happy and no one’s getting hurt, I’ll be happy for him. I hope to see him in more serious roles as well. It’s good to see him challenging himself.
I wasn’t a huge fan of black comedy till I saw Chris Tucker. I was hooked. Loved loved loved his standup
Chris Tucker cheated his self out of big career. All Chris is going to be remembered 4 is the rush hour movie🎥
Religion always ruins careers in Hollywood.
Chris tucker flew on epsteins plane so who gives a shit
I admire Chris for standing by his convictions and not selling out for the money! God is blessing him even more.
He can stay gone, I never thought he was funny, I never thought he could act.👎
Directors and producers apparently were fed up with his professionalism and work ethic. Late on set, never remembering lines, focused more on his entourage than his cast mates. I remember seeing a credit scene in one of the Rush Hour movies where Tucker answers his phone during the scene and Jackie tries to be nice about it, but still calls him out.
Man, I’m just glad that he’s okay. Not hearing from an actor of his caliber for a while usually means something really, really bad. But he’s right, it’s better that he be picky and good than appear in every script that comes his way.
Wow bless him!! Love Chris Tucker💕💜💕