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Baby daddies team up to murder their baby mama

Courtney deleted by two baby daddies/Twisted Crimes

Baby daddy tag team murder.

Blog King, Mass Appeal

LAKE CHARLES — In this week’s episode of “If I Can’t Have You No One Can.” Desmond Duriel Brown, 39, and Sheltren Terel Tucker, 38, were thrown in the slammer after they worked in cahoots to murder the mother of their children, 39-year-old Courtney Grogan, and her new boyfriend, 40-year-old Cyrille Mitchel Jr. The double homicide transpired on August 19, 2024 at Courtney’s duplex in Lake Charles, Louisiana. According to police reports, Desmond and Sheltren were pissed at Courtney for finding herself a new man while they were on the hook for child support. So they barged into her home, pulled out guns and opened fire — striking Courtney and Cyrille multiple times in front of the kids. The lovebirds were pronounced dead at the scene. Desmond and Sheltren were both arrested on August 29th and charged with first-degree murder and home invasion.

Sheltren’s sister, Alethea Tucker, lambasted her brother on social media. Like Courtney, their mother was deleted by a jealous ex in front of the kids. She believes Sheltren and Desmond deserve the death penalty via lethal injection💉. “F*ck you Sheltren Terel Tucker for killing your child’s mother and her boyfriend,” Alethea wrote. “Like you forgot how our mother was taken? And the children were present too like we were? Yeah, family or not, I will never condone certain things. You and that other [piece of sh*t] 💩 that helped you can rot. I would help the state administer the needle to both of your asses. Just disgusting Terel Tucker. Rest in heaven Courtney and Cyrille.”

Social media reaction was equally venomous.

One commenter wrote, “Two deadbeats who didn’t want to pay child support. Smh.”

Another chimed in with, “Bitter baby daddies linking up.”

A third person added, “I’m just wondering why the baby daddies didn’t date? Maybe they’ll do it in prison.”

Cyrille, an aspiring rapper, was on the verge of marrying Courtney.

She leaves behind 3 children from 3 baby daddies – Desmond, Sheltren and Cyrille.

Watch the explosive documentary.

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This Post Has 32 Comments

  1. She was trash. Yes, I said it. Respect yourself while alive so you won’t be an embarrassment when you’re dead. 3 baby daddies? Like, what is wrong with these sad women choosing trash like themselves. Grow up!!

  2. niggas wont wear condoms then bitch n complain about child support smh

  3. For the ones saying this had something to do with child support, you clearly don’t know how child support works. Lawd.

  4. Nah, there has to be more to this than what is being mentioned. There must’ve been something going on that was affecting those kids they had with her.

  5. They took their lives in front of not only their children but the boyfriends as well.. they have no heart. Now the children will grow up without parents smh it was not that damn deep!

  6. Look at the men she attracted….. older wannabe jealous men…. 40 year old rapper sweetie? Seriously? For your kids? She attracted monsters. Put your kids First Ladies….. and stop having children with men you ignore red flags with 🚩🚩🚩. And men who don’t even want to marry you.

  7. 3 kids with 3 baby daddy’s…. That’s a damn shame. I’m guessing they don’t sell contraceptives in her city

  8. Sicko and sicker
    Just did the dumbest thing ever plus in front of kids that can tell my daddy did it and my daddy did it too slow ones with a dumb plan
    Rest in peace to these beautiful souls️‍

  9. Omg how many times does it take baby after baby no husband WTF you keep having them for 😢😢 just sad laid up 3 different times for what to keep being left alone to do A MANS JOB HELL NO WAKE UP 😢😢😢 not healthy single mother is not an award one I see you slipped but yo keep repeating unprotected sex with Men who don’t want you or them kids they want an outlet to you thru kids they don’t give AF about you or them kids only the USE OF YOU IS WHAT THEY WANT THEY MOTHER WAS PROBABLY ON CRACK AND THEY WERE TOUCHED AS A THEY CANT HANDLE HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS ONLY TOXICITY AND ABUSE IS ALL THEM DEMONS BRING TO THE TABLE

  10. Damn so baby daddy #1 & #2 took out baby momma and baby daddy #3.🤔 U can’t make this shit up.😆 #WomansIntuitionMyAss

  11. These comments are sickkkkk️ ‼ IDGAF how many children she had with however many “fathers” this should’ve never happened, to her or her man. Maybe if those bums would’ve been taking care of their own children they wouldn’t have been worried about who the children and ex was calling “daddy” ️🤦‍♀️
    R.I.P to both parties involved

  12. Whats even more sad, and a reason it’s terrible to have kids w/multiple people, is that the kids will be split apart. Those weak bums have ruined their kid’s lives by taking their mother and having them split up. Awful.

  13. This is insane.. people always say women are the emotional ones bitter revengeful ect and to hear this story of 2 men the fathers of her own children is crazy asf.. WHY.. seriously it’s 2 of them and 1 of her that’s proving and taking care of their children.. I can NOT wrap my head around this at all.. prayers to this lady family and love ones unbelievable

  14. “She leaves behind 3 children from 3 baby daddies – Desmond, Sheltren and Cyrille.”

    I’ve said many times that these Pookies are homicidal maniacs. But what about these Pookeeshas? They are cut from the same cloth as their Pookie baby daddies.

    I wonder how much tax-payer welfare, Section 8, EBT benefits, and Medicaid she consumed. The rapper boyfriend would have probably killed her too, if she left him for another rapper or a Tyrone. Come on people. Its not like a bunch of evil males are crucifying angelic females. Get honest, get real. Everybody with a passing knowledge of da hood, knows these Pookeeshas and Pookies are cut from the same cloth and not fit for anyone but each other.

    Truth be told, Pookies and Pookeeshas are not the sorts of characters who should be encouraged to breed

  15. Every time I’m sad about being single for 3 years I watch one of these stories that remind me that it ain’t so bad and at least I’m alive and will continue to be

  16. WOW for one thing she was picking the wrong type men !! I wondering why both of the baby daddies bonded together to take them out She should’ve focused on herself and not keep jumping in and out of toxic relationships!

  17. 3 kids. 3 different men.. 2 out of the 3 wants to delete you… Now you with a struggle thug rapper… smdh… Women’s Intuition needs adjusting… BW are horrible at choosing mates.. Stay single..

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