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Sugar daddy deletes young fiancée after a big proposal

José stabbed Naket multiple times/Twisted Crimes

Sugar daddy kills sugar baby.

Blog King, Mass Appeal

ELIZABETH — When being a sugar baby goes tragically wrong. José Melo, 52, was thrown in the slammer after he butchered his young fiancée, 31-year-old Naket Trinidad, a few hours after asking for her hand in marriage. The femicide transpired around 9 a.m. on December 30, 2024 at their residence in Elizabeth, New Jersey. According to reports, Naket — a mother of two beautiful girls — told José she was sick and tired of his bullsh*t and she wanted to end their 6-year relationship. A bout of contretemps ensued. As the argument intensified, José pulled out a machete and stabbed Naket multiple times. She was pronounced dead at the scene. José was arrested and charged with one count of first-degree murder, one count of third-degree possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose, one count of fourth-degree unlawful possession of a weapon, and a partridge in a pear tree. He’ll spend the rest of his miserable existence behind bars.

What’s sad is José proposed to Naket the night before at the Bamboleo Night Club even though she’s young enough to be his daughter. The simpin’ DJ genuflected and put a ring on her finger as the crowd cheered and Silvestre Dangond’s “Cásate Conmigo” played in the background. José recorded the proposal and posted the video on Facebook with the caption, “I love you baby.”

Hours later, he gave his fiancée a dirt nap.

Now, instead of planning a wedding, family members arranged a funeral.

Yolanda De, Naket’s aunt, set up a GoFundMe page seeking help with expenses.

“This horrible act by someone she trusted left her two children without either parent and with very little options for their future,” she wrote in the description.

“I am also doing all I can to ensure her young daughters are safe and have the things they need.”

Social media reaction was fierce.

One commenter wrote, “She took advantage of that old man. She didn’t want to be with him but he was providing for her 🤷‍♀️. We make choices.”

Another chimed in with, “He was her money man/side piece and she didn’t wanna embarrass him at the bar!!! When it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it might just be a f*ckin’ duck 🦆!!!!!”

A third person added, “He proposed as a last-ditch effort. He knew she was checked out. I think she felt pressured to say yes in public then she told him no in private to not humiliate him. He snapped.”

To compound matters, José has a lengthy rap sheet that includes kidnapping, aggravated sexual assault, robbery and homicide.

But Naket ignored every red flag 🚩 because he provided for her.

Ladies, choose better.

Watch the explosive documentary which includes footage of the marriage proposal.

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This Post Has 19 Comments

  1. So she wanted to break up with him, and he did not like that at all!

  2. She was 31 years of age. It’s sad dat she didn’t leave him after Christmas. Women must be strong & get out of a no good relationship. Because dat Man isn’t gonna change, it will only get worse R u will meet ur Maker.

  3. Is it just me because nobody look really happy in those Christmas videos

  4. @Joe Magwood: The family look like they been held hostage on the Christmas vid they not happy at all

  5. All she had to do is grab her two babies and a few items while he was at work and left to another state far away. They could have went into a shelter until they were placed into an apartment and tell the case manager why they on the run. I’ve watched too many cases of women and kids being killed because the man couldn’t take rejection. If you see this message please skip town immediately. No reason to be in a morgue and your family and friends won’t ever see you again until

  6. I BEEN telling these young girls about these old azz men. He was a predator sick.

  7. That Christmas video of that guy acting a fool and that girl looking terrified was CREEPY AF😳😳😳😳😳

  8. LADIES…when are you going to LEARN that a proposal from a MALE, after ANY amount of time, IS NOT A COMPLIMENT, HOWEVER, IT IS AN INSULT. Marriage, for women, IS THE BEGINING OF THE END. It may not feel like that at first…however GIVE….IT….TIME. Let this be a cautionary tale. SINGLE LADIES….REMAIN SINGLE (and preferably CHILD-FREE). You’ll be MUCH better off! SHE…WAS..NOT….HAPPY…AT…THAT….”PROPOSAL” …AT…ALL. Her face says it ALL! R.I.P….rise in power young lady. Smh.

  9. He proposed in public, and then he immediately posted the video to make it even more public. He was pressuring her to stay.

  10. She didn’t look happy at the proposal. At all. Probably was scared to say NO.

  11. He was probably controlling. Hes 52 and she was 31. Sounds like a recipe for disaster. He was old enough to be her father and he probably acted like that. He put her on the spot by proposing in public because she looked like she looked hesitant at first. Then she said yes. She probably changed her mind. I don’t get it🤔 These men and their fragile egos. It’s sad. Now her children are without their mom. When will these women pay attention to the red flags 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🤔 They’re always signs. They do something and you leave. They apologize. You go back. And it continues. I’m not saying thats what happened but I’m using it as an example. I’ve never understood the on and off and on again relationship. Once im done that’s it because they always say they changed. 24 hours and she’s gone. So sad. This world right now is wicked. I wouldn’t even want to date anyone nowadays. Dudes can’t handle rejection. My Condolences to her family. Its sad 😢

  12. Made sure to make the proposal public to trap her into saying yes. What a piece of shit 💩, hope he rots in jail!

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