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Teaser: Will Smith stars as world’s 1st black Superman

Will Smith becomes 1st black Superman on the heels of Anthony Mackie being Captain America.

This Post Has 47 Comments

  1. Holy batshit! Is Lex Luthor gonna be RuPaul? DC has lost their minds completely.

  2. they must be out of their damn mind there should never be a black superman period

  3. Oh HELLLLLLLL Nooooooo……they need to stop, this is a waist of film..!!😢😭☹️😕😟…JUST STOP..🛑🛑🛑

  4. So Superman is now a cuckold and a closeted homosexual? No thanks. I’ll stick to Marvel.

  5. Omg they replaced cavill for this ???!! No. DC doesn’t know what it’s doing. This superman is gonna Fail

  6. Man stop playing. I know damn well they ain’t made a movie with Will Smith as superman. What’s next? Denzel Washington as batman?

  7. I pray to god this is not real cause if it is the world is def ending soon

  8. I don’t hate. Let’s be honest, this looks amazing. Will Smith makes a surprisingly perfect Superman. 🦸

  9. Bruh stop it Superman has always been a white dude just stop it smfh they already ruined marvel by making them all females now

  10. He’s not my Superman. Christopher Reeves must be rolling in his grave.

  11. I’m here for the comments and they DON’T disappoint. They slap hard 😅

  12. This just seems a bit of a ridiculous remake to me .Will was amazing as Hancock, but Clark Kent was always a nerdy looking white guy . I’m sure even even the black community will be thinking w.t.f .why cant it be original movie that could be just as brilliant and be as iconic with a black or any race for that matter brand new exciting super hero . I’m gay but I would never want to see bruce banner mincing down the road in a outfit like Sacha baron s Bruno character then turning into the hulk in torn hot pants or changing into gender neutral hulk . This is just my opinion with no offence intended to any one just seems like these film writers can’t be bothered to create new ideas to progressively move forward ?

  13. Lol what’s he gonna do slap his enemies and tell them to keep his wife’s name out of his mouth 😂

  14. In another Reality and Universe in the comics, there is a Black Super Man and I’m black, but this ain’t the time for this. They need to be focus on bringing out a new Handcock Movie for his fans and not focusing on the bulls#!+

  15. Look up in the sky. It’s a bird. It’s a plane. NO, IT’S SLAPPERMAN!!!

  16. Hey it worked for the Bible they have no problem with white washing all the people in the Bible…. Superman should be fine as a black man.

  17. No, Boring, I want Henry Cavill back, delete this video because this looks horrible, I’m not watching Superman if Henry Cavill don’t return, you know Will Smith already played Deadshot in the DCEU, I hope Dc cancels Will Smith’s Superman

  18. Just wait till the Mexican and Asian versions come out. Personally don’t think Will Smith is a good enough actor for this role and after the Grammy incident, I wont give him a dime of my money to watch this.

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