Angel has lost her damn mind. Blog King, Mass Appeal CHICAGO -- Here's an entitlement…
Track star strikes opponent with a baton, cracking skull

Track star assaults opponent.
Blog King, Mass Appeal
PORTSMOUTH — Just when you think you’ve seen it all. Alaila Everett — a senior track star at I.C. Norcom High School in Portsmouth, Virginia — is receiving death threats after she thwacked an opponent in the head with her baton. You can’t make this sh*t up. The assault transpired last Tuesday during the VHSL Class 3 State Indoor Championships. It was also captured on video. Raw footage shows Alaila striking Kaelen Tucker in the back of the head while they were competing in the 4×200 meter relay. I.C. Norcom was ultimately disqualified. Kaelen suffered a concussion and a fractured skull. Alaila called the attack an accident before playing the victim card, claiming she’s suffering more than Kaelen because she’s non compos mentis. Ain’t that a bitch? “Everybody has feelings, so you’re physically hurt, but you’re not thinking of my mental,” a lachrymose Alaila explained.
“After a couple times of hitting her, my baton got stuck behind her back like this, and it rolled up her back. I lost my balance when I pumped my arms again. She got hit. They are assuming my character, calling me ghetto and racial slurs, death threats… all of this off of a nine second video.”
Alaila’s mom, Zeketa Cost, believes her daughter is totally innocent even though there’s visual corroboration that shows otherwise. “I didn’t have to see a first video, second video or tenth video,” she said. “I know 100 percent that she would never do that to nobody.” Alaila has already been slapped with assault charges and Kaelen’s family filed a restraining order against her.
The school has also imposed disciplinary action.
Mike McCall, Director of Communications for Virginia High School League, disseminated the following statement: “We don’t comment on individuals or disciplinary actions. I can tell you that the actions taken by the meet director were appropriate and correct… It’s a serious issue, especially when it involves the safety of athletes in competitions.”
Social media reaction was unforgiving.
One commenter wrote, “Those fake tears are not as terrible as whatever that sh*t is on her head.”
Another chimed in with, “What’s going on with black females today??? They’ve lost their damn minds!!!”
A third viewer added, “She said, ‘You’re not thinking of my mental.’ Girl, we already know you’re mental! Here’s hoping you get a state-sponsored ‘time out.'”
Are you buying Alaila’s mental health excuse?
Would you like to see more punitive action?
Watch the assault, then watch Alaila and Kaelen explain what happened.
Share your thoughts.
Girls learn very early on in life, when they are wrong, bring on the waterworks to garner sympathy and to get off scottfree.
She should go to prison. Idk what that baton was made of, but what if she had died???
The fact that she kept running after the fact tells you it was intentional. She didn’t stop, which is unsportsmanlike
A black Tanya Harding
I can guarantee you, she is being raised in a violent home. This does not come out of nowhere.
Why didn’t she stop to check on the injured girl? Why didn’t she go to apologize? She’s a sore loser she only acted that way out of pure jealousy.
If this would of been two boys the one who did the hitting would of been walked out of the event in handcuffs & immediately charged with assault he would have given that interview from behind bars if his parents wasn’t able to bail him out. The double standard is outrageous.
Top tier lack of accountability, especially after everybody saw her is diabolical
Fake ass baby hair
She cut her off and she hit her
I watched video 15 times. The video shows her taking additional swings and misses. If she is crying she’s lying – it’s extremely common for women to start crying when they get caught red handed, and they usually are lying. There was no remorse on part of her parents. There are far too many cases of mean girls playing dirty:
College soccer player that got caught punching, tripping, pulling other players hair, etc; NBA player’s daughter was pushing, tripping, punching, and pulling hair; WNBA players who hit Kaitlyn Clark.
The sheer numbers (millions) of Karen videos where they have put their hands on men / other women / children. The US has been way too tolerant of female assault. Women should face the exact same treatment / consequences a man would get – 3 warnings not a 30min debate (LEO arrests), tased / pepper sprayed / manhandled and tackled to ground. It’s all about equality.
Expulsion, removed from sports teams, canceled college scholarships- this has happened to many male athletes who have been falsely accused without legal ramifications
I am no biologist. But let me ask, which is the strongest bone in the body, how high do you think one can lift an object the size of a baton that can crack the skull, as an athlete how high can one swing his or her hand when running. This whole thing is deliberate. If it wasn’t intentional, according to her, she knew her baton hit her opponent and the opponent dropped immediately, what did she do when the race was completed. If no action is taken it will become a reference point in the court of law and others will follow suit.
Accident my ass
Charge her with assault. Period. I ran and coached track that was clearly an assault. The school should be suspended from competition. She should be banned from high school track for the rest of her time in school. She clearly cocked back her arm.
WOMEN…… Be QUIET!!! Yall ALL THE SAME!! No accountability..STFU!!
What an absolute scumbag
Act ghetto, complain when people call you ghetto. Yeah, that checks out
Accident? Looked like she was trying to hammer in a railroad spike.
Girl cried everyone a river with them crocodile tears
shes full of poop 💩
In all angles you never see no baton roll up no shirt but you do see her cock her arm back and hit that girl NO EXCUSES then u look stupid cryin on tv be accountable and I wouldn’t want no apology either and then parents just takin up for her makes it worse smh
You assaulted someone because you’re a sore loser, you belong in prison.
This girl is despicable, fake tears after she assaults another athlete… she needs to be charged
BS! She should be expelled and arrested. WTF? And the parents also should be held accountable.
She’s only sorry she got caught. BS tears for sure.
If I cry enough people won’t believe their eyes and believe my lying ***.
Why does she remind me of that black wnba chick who’s jealous of caitlyn. Lol
Watch out it’s LaTonya Harding!
They always play the victim
Her parents are fools for letting her do that interview which made it 10 X worse
“I ain’t do nuffin wrong”. *Chirp* 🗿
She definitely did that on purpose. It’s in plain sight. Shame on her!
I was giving her the benefit of the doubt that it could’ve been unintentional, although after watching it multiple times it gets very difficult to accept that.
The opponent collided with her baton as she passed and the other girl simply lashed out in a split second of anger/frustration. That said, these batons weigh nothing and wouldn’t have been able to cause a concussion. So the opponent definitely milked it.
All of you are idiots. Slow the video down and you can plainly see the baton got stuck under the other girl arm and she pulled it up to get it out so she wouldn’t be too off balance and when she swung her hand back to keep her rhythm running she hit the girl in the head. Not only that if the baton is lighter than a cup then it was obviously no damage done. Y’all need to just review the video and put it on .25 speed like I did. She ain’t lying and that baton wouldn’t hurt any one.