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Swirler deleted by his white chick, black women rejoice

Hannah blew Telvin’s brains out/Viral Crimes

Swirler killed by white chick. 

Blog King, Mass Appeal

MIDVILLE — “🎵White girls (Suzy, Jen and Karen) going through my mind (Sarah, Jesse and Julie too). White girls help me unwind. Don’t tell Minister Farrakhan. He don’t wanna know what’s going on. ‘Cause white girls won’t go away.🎵” Black women nationwide are celebrating after negro swirler Telvin Osborne (aka Telbo Rackins) got smoked by his white girlfriend, Hannah Cobb. The sanguinary ordeal transpired on February 23, 2025 at their mobile home in Midville, Georgia. According to reports, Telvin and Hannah — both inebriated — had contretemps following a night out at the club. As the quarrel intensified, Hannah pulled out a gun and shot Telvin in the upper torso. Then the mendacious damsel lied to police, claiming the firearm accidentally went off while she was cleaning it. Detectives knew Hannah, 28, was a goddamn lie. So she was busted and charged with involuntary manslaughter. She’s facing up to 10 years in the penitentiary. But Telvin’s family and friends want a murder charge.

Shortly after Telvin’s quietus, his disparaging social media posts about African American women went viral. Kevin Samuels, Jason Whitlock and Tommy Sotomayor ain’t got sh*t on him. “I’ll f*ck a dog before I f*ck a black bitch!” Telvin wrote. “It gotta be a white dog [though].” Damn, that’s cold. Telvin, 30, also said Hannah is far superior to black women. He even stated, “I’ll die for her.”

Well, he did.

Social media reaction was venomous.

One commenter wrote, “This one hurts because this is my man’s family but I still gotta tell the truth. Ole boy Telvin was on some coon sh*t with his praise of white women. This is just like that Nigerian dude that got [stabbed to death] by his white ‘blessing.’ Damn, Telbo…”

Another chimed in with, “A lot of men are like Telvin Osborne. They say dating white women is their ‘preference’ when in reality, it’s just their hatred for Black women. But let someone speak about their Black mother that way. You can date white women without having to disparage Black women.”

A third person added, “I don’t care about anyone having preferences (I have one). But there’s something wrong with most Black men who have a preference, as they almost always invariably say things like this. And look what happened to him. And she’s not even a pretty white woman at that.”

Did karma catch up with Telvin?

What’s your preference? Chocolate or vanilla?

Watch the explosive documentary and more.

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This Post Has 43 Comments

  1. He should have never talked ill about black women, he cursed himself by doing so.

  2. I hate that happened to him but he should have stayed with his own kind Which means he should have been with a black woman

  3. He also said he would b3at up a blvk guy but that he would never
    f!ght a wh.ite man. He didnt like his race in life, lets respect his wishes in d3ath and stay away from that man. #freehannah.

  4. Well.. He loved her. He said he will die for her! Be Careful what u wish for! .. Now he gone!..

  5. I’m white and was told at nine years old that if I ever brought a negro home I would be disowned.😂

    Let her out so she can perform more “accidents”.

  7. 9 sisters and a single black mother raising him and he has the audacity to disrespect black women.. smh

  8. Charged her with the LOWEST charge possible be out in 5 yrs with 4 yrs suspended.. dead 💀 and no justice.. who is going to be outraged on his behalf??? Well hopefully the white women demand justice 😢

  9. He also said he wouldn’t fight yt boys but beat the crap out of a black man. He hated himself.

  10. I’m a black man I prefer to date black women in his case keep your thoughts to yourself his mother is a black woman this is why he’s not getting any support from the black community and he has sisters black people don’t care about him getting killed by that white Queen most black people is saying free her

  11. And now that he is gone did yall know I just saved a lot of money on my car insurance

  12. As a black woman he got what he deserved from his preferential snow bunny. No sympathy here.

  13. I hope all the #Snowbunnies 🐇 RALLY for this man until justice is served ❤

  14. @Mason McFadden: Dr. Umar was always right. You ninjas just don’t want to listen..smh

  15. Don’t be praising snow bunnies and downing black women and then expect to have Support from the community you turned your back on 🤷🏾‍♂️

  16. I’m black & I date outside of my race. I find his case very sad, but I don’t feel sorry for him. Unlike him, I don’t talk down on other black people. For what ? I’m with who I’m with for who they are, not their race.

  17. I’m on the black womens side on this one. Can’t have no sympathy after making comments like that.

  18. He would DIE for her, but SHE killed HIM! WOW!! Oh WELL… TOO BAD, SO SAD, GOOD BYE!!

  19. Black men who disrespect Black women to uplift women of other cultures will face karma swiftly. Be cautious about whom you disrespect.

  20. It’s sad that only black men talk bad about black women. You see how they did Kamala

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