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Infographics: McDonald’s is losing long-time customers

The Infographics Show reveals the real reasons McDonald’s restaurants keep raising their prices.

This Post Has 33 Comments

  1. McDonald’s is failing because their prices went up, but the quality didn’t.

  2. It isn’t cheap and it isn’t good, even as a guilty pleasure. It also just doesn’t taste real.

  3. I went yesterday.
    Got a McChicken .
    Double cheeseburger.
    Medium coffee.
    Small Sunday
    Medium fries.
    23$. Bruh. They even got rid of there 2 for 4$

  4. Also the door dash orders and drive thru are prioritized and in store customers ignored

  5. I went to McDonald’s at 1am last Friday. The drive thru line stretched into the street. McDonald’s is definitely not failing 😂

  6. @JackieSkellington: Also no one at front counters anymore. I waited at the front counter because I was in a hurry and feel like fiddling with the computer and not one person can help me. I was frustrated walked to the kiosk put in my order started getting frustrated because my order was so simple and I had to click through so many things I just walked out.

  7. Get rid of those confusing kiosk stations, maybe a little customer service would be nice.

  8. Lab tests and analysis years ago already showed that there were 39 pesticides in their fries. Enjoy!

  9. Idk man, I had McDonald’s fries a couple years back after a 10 year hiatus and it just tasted like chemicals to me

  10. The real problem is minimum wage. McDonald’s used to be a job for teenagers,college kids and retirees looking for something to do. When minimum wage is 15 dollars an hour cost to go up. We live in a society now where teenagers don’t work. So fast food places are now filled with people that have no ambition in life but want to demand high pay.

  11. I don’t eat at McFucks anymore
    I eat Burger King.
    Burger Kings Better than McFucks

  12. They won’t make you a fresh batch of fries if you ask for no salt they’ll just dunk it in the oil and let it sit there

  13. I got a “burger” from McDonalds once and will never order one again. Neither the bread nor the meat looked like real food.

  14. 12 Ingredients in your French Fries people … 12 .. not 3 like you would think ..

  15. No one should eat this sh!t its not food. My dog refuses to even sniff any of it.

  16. I love MCDonald’s and nothing they say will change my mind……..but the truth of the matter is ANY food you buy even fresh fruits and veggies will have something bad on it even after you try to wash it. (Yes even frozen)I THINK THE LESSON HERE IS GROW YOUR OWN FOOD….”CANT DO IT “YOU SAY ? Then suffer.

  17. Not only is the food bad for you, but it’s also very addicting. I was seriously hooked on chicken nuggets and fries for about two years, i literally craved it all the time, it’s all I wanted to eat and the weird part is that I wouldn’t get tired of it. I was young and didn’t know any of this information that we are so blessed to have now.

  18. I haven’t touched McPoison’s food in 20+ years.
    A friend of mine kept a burger in aluminium foil to see how long it would take to begin to rot. It was close to two years before there was any visible deterioration

  19. I got food poisoning with the chicken Mc nuggets 30 years ago and never ever went back….I go out to eat once a month to subway order only tuna salads and cook from scratch and no can food no juck food no sugar and try to buy organic…I am 68 years old with no health problems so far….and ask the Lord for mercy to help me stay healthy …oh i exercise 4 X week….take care of yourselfs…you are your best Doctor!🕯

  20. I”m a 78 year old retired American construction worker. Ive eaten McDonald’s food maybe six or seven times in the last thirty years, fish sandwiches mostly, and an egg McMuffin once or twice. The reason I ate it was either because I was on a road trip and McDonalds was the only fast food available where I was traveling, or because I was in a hurry and it was convenient. The last time I ate a fish sandwich was a year ago when I was in the hospital and a friend brought me the sandwich. I”ve noticed that the quality of their fish sandwich has gone quite downhill in the last few years. I have it in mind to never eat there. Hopefully I’ll be able to stick to it in the future. Arby’s and Popeye’s have really good fish sandwiches, but they’re seasonal so you never know if and when they’re going to have them.

  21. I might eat at McDonald’s once a year (in a moment of weakness). I always feel nauseous the next day. I call it the “McDonald’s hangover.”

  22. That “pink sludge” with the bleached meat is the binder, McDonald’s cuts costs by mixing sawdust/wood pulp in their binder, they list it as “cellulose” in their ingredients, which is approved by the FDA, then grind it all down into a paste. A normal human would use eggs as a binder in their hamburger meat, if you can’t afford eggs and don’t have the space to raise chickens then you use bread crumbs. Eggs would make the meat start to go bad after a few hours unless it’s refrigerated, sawdust being biodegradable eventually petrifies (fossilization for plants) after many eons and brings the meat along for the ride.
    Their buns don’t contain eggs or dairy either, contrary to what they claim, just wheat flour, water, yeast, vegetable or soybean oil, salt and sugar. If the buns had dairy they would turn green in a couple days. Yeast is like an anti-mold but they’re both fungi.

  23. Buy a McDonald’s hamburger and place it in your drawer for six months! It will look exactly the same. Not even the ants 🐜 will eat it. Neither does it rot or smell funny. Do not feed this science experiment to your children.

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