Aaron The Plumber seekin’ booty from 20 lonely 304s
Aaron The Plumber tries laying the pipe to a thirsty harem of 304s on 'Pop The Balloon 🎈 Or Find Love.'
Aaron The Plumber tries laying the pipe to a thirsty harem of 304s on 'Pop The Balloon 🎈 Or Find Love.'
Lesbo deletes fat girlfriend. Blog King, Mass Appeal JACKSON -- The adventures of Pookiesha & Ray Ray continue. Mikayla Davis, 25, was thrown in the slammer after she deleted her…
Lesbo kills ex-girlfriend's lover. Blog King, Mass Appeal CLEVELAND -- When a love triangle goes tragically wrong. Brittany Lynn, 23, was thrown in the slammer after she murdered her ex-girlfriend's…
Will Smith becomes 1st black Superman on the heels of Anthony Mackie being Captain America.
Teen deletes tranny lover. Blog King, Mass Appeal HIGHLAND PARK -- Chicks with dicks strike again! Carlos Lamar Scotland was sentenced to 17 to 30 years in prison on Friday…
Tranny kills postal worker. Blog King, Mass Appeal NEW YORK -- Uh-oh! Chicks with dicks are sick and tired of gettin' slaughtered. Now they're turning the tables. Jaia Cruz, a…
Anita opposed gay rights. Blog King, Mass Appeal EDMOND -- Anita Bryant, the Grammy nominated singer who reigned as Miss Oklahoma, has migrated to that big runway in the sky.…
Tranny admits tricking incels. Blog King, Mass Appeal LOS ANGELES -- "🎵I'm a dude. He's a dude. She's a dude. We're all dudes, hey!🎵" Fellas, here's another reason to check…
Teen kills tranny girlfriend. Blog King, Mass Appeal TUSCALOOSA -- The only certain things in life are death, taxes and down-low dudes killing transgender women. A closeted teenage male was…
Dating show host Arlette Amuli returns with another crazy episode of "Pop The Balloon 🎈 Or Find Love."