Texas rapper and daughter killed at Slappy’s car wash
Two thugs murder local rapper. Blog King, Mass Appeal FOREST HILL -- The adventures of Pookie & Ray Ray continue. Adonis Robinson, 24, and his sidekick, 21-year-old Jakobie Russell, are…
Two thugs murder local rapper. Blog King, Mass Appeal FOREST HILL -- The adventures of Pookie & Ray Ray continue. Adonis Robinson, 24, and his sidekick, 21-year-old Jakobie Russell, are…
Ghanaian singer shot dead. Blog King, Mass Appeal COLUMBUS -- "🎵It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday.🎵" Tyona Dunkle, 41, was thrown in the slammer after she murdered her…
Lesbo deletes fat girlfriend. Blog King, Mass Appeal JACKSON -- The adventures of Pookiesha & Ray Ray continue. Mikayla Davis, 25, was thrown in the slammer after she deleted her…
Alexis killed by jealous ex. Blog King, Mass Appeal NASHVILLE --The adventures of Pookie & Ray Ray continue. James Ritenour, 27, was thrown in the slammer after he murdered his…
Lesbo kills ex-girlfriend's lover. Blog King, Mass Appeal CLEVELAND -- When a love triangle goes tragically wrong. Brittany Lynn, 23, was thrown in the slammer after she murdered her ex-girlfriend's…
Father killed at Walgreens. Blog King, Mass Appeal MIRAMAR -- The adventures of Pookie & Ray Ray continue. Jaime Taylor, 28, was thrown in the slammer after he murdered 27-year-old…
Brotherly love nonexistent. Blog King, Mass Appeal CLEVELAND -- When a sibling rivalry goes tragically wrong. Rodney Curlee, 19, was thrown in the slammer after he killed his big brother,…
The Infographics Show reveals everything we don't know about O.J. Simpson’s mysterious murder trial.
Convicted felon deletes ex. Blog King, Mass Appeal SAVANNAH -- The adventures of Pookie & Ray Ray continue. Terrell Akeem Nelson, 31, was thrown in the slammer after he deleted…
Teen deletes tranny lover. Blog King, Mass Appeal HIGHLAND PARK -- Chicks with dicks strike again! Carlos Lamar Scotland was sentenced to 17 to 30 years in prison on Friday…