Psycho hubby abuses wife because she wants divorce
A viral video shows a belligerent husband beating the crap out of his wife after she asked for a divorce. As customary, these simps can't handle a chick giving 'em…
A viral video shows a belligerent husband beating the crap out of his wife after she asked for a divorce. As customary, these simps can't handle a chick giving 'em…
Wife killed for wanting divorce. Blog King, Mass Appeal BUCKEYE -- The adventures of Pookie & Ray Ray continue. Hercelyn Mayo was thrown in the slammer after he murdered his…
Wife killed by hubby's hitman. Blog King, Mass Appeal ATLANTA -- The adventures of Pookie & Ray Ray continue. YouTube vlogger Leah Gordone released the murderous documentary of Tiffany Pugh…
White men slam American women. Blog King, Mass Appeal LOS ANGELES -- Step aside Passport Bros and make room for... Passport Brad? Yessir, a viral video shows some fed-up white…
Deranged actor went berserk. Blog King, Mass Appeal HIGH POINT -- First, Michael Jace. Now this. Residents in High Point, North Carolina are in mourning after actor Robert Crayton murdered…
Ex-Deputy murders family. Blog King, Mass Appeal AUSTIN -- Quondam Travis County Sheriff's deputy Stephen Broderick will spend the rest of his miserable existence behind bars after he murdered his…
Hospital worker carjacked. Blog King, Mass Appeal DETROIT -- The adventures of Pookie & Ray Ray continue. Law enforcement officials in Detroit are investigating after 53-year-old Tracie Golden was shot…
Dana White slapped his wife. Blog King, Mass Appeal CABO SAN LUCAS -- Dana White and his wife Anne brought in the New Year with a bang... literally. That's because…
Porn star killed by husband. Blog King, Mass Appeal BIRMINGHAM -- YouTube vlogger Euphobia released the murder documentary of 42-year-old Kathleen "Kitty Kat" West who was bludgeoned by her jealous…
Dr. Johnson scolds black men. Blog King, Mass Appeal NEW YORK -- A viral video shows Dr. Umar Johnson lambasting black men for copulating with white chicks. The 48-year-old psychologist…